Scoliosis Treatment
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Scoliosis causes your spine to curve to a particular side. It can be curved to any area in the spine, but the highly affected parts are the lower back and upper spine. It occurs in adolescence or even in childhood.
What is scoliosis?
This is a sideways spine curvature. It can occur in people dealing with conditions like muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy, the main cause of scoliosis is still unknown.
The curve angle might be large or small. But anything that curves more than ten degrees is stated as scoliosis.
Many cases of such conditions are mild, but a few curves can intensify as kids grow. The specifically serious spinal curve might shrink the amount of space inside the chest, making it tough for your lungs to work properly.
What are the other names of scoliosis?
There are various names for scoliosis such as S-shaped spine, curved spine, lateral curvature of the spine, and abnormal curve of the spine.
What is the difference between scoliosis and kyphosis?
Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine- usually appearing in the shape of the letter ‘C’ or ‘S’. Whereas kyphosis is like an onward rounding of the back, which causes slouching or hunchback posture.
What causes scoliosis?
Many healthcare professionals still are not able to find the main cause of scoliosis- however, it seems to involve hereditary aspects, because the problem sometimes runs in genes. Some types of scoliosis might be caused by:
- Specific neuromuscular conditions, like muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy
- Birth disorders affecting the growth of the spine bones
- Past surgery on your chest wall as a kid
- Infections or injuries of the spine
- Spinal cord deformity
What is the main cause of scoliosis?
In most cases, the main cause of this condition is still undiscovered. In other cases, it might develop because of spinal disc degeneration, as seen in osteoporosis, arthritis, or in a hereditary condition that runs in families.

Normally scoliosis becomes obvious from adolescence or infancy. The signs differ depending on the patient’s age.
The most usual type of scoliosis occurs in adolescence and is called adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. It appears in people between ten to eighteen years of age.
- Your head might appear a slightly off center
- Your ribs on either side might be a bit of different heights
- One hip might be more eminent than the other
- Your outfit might not hang evenly
- Your Shoulder blade or one shoulder might be higher than the other
- You might lean to one side
- Your legs might be of different lengths
A few types of scoliosis may cause back pain, generally, it’s not highly painful. This syndrome is more frequent in older adults.
Normally scoliosis becomes obvious from adolescence or infancy. The signs differ depending on the patient’s age.
- Swelling on one side of your chest
- Constantly lying with your body curved to one side
- In critical cases, lung and heart issues lead to chest and breathing problems
If infants do not opt for a treatment, they will be at high risk of issues later in life, like impaired lung and heart function.
What is the most common effect of scoliosis?
As scoliosis evolves it may have a noticeable effect on your body such as uneven shoulders and hips, evident ribs, and a shift of the trunk and waist to one side. Scoliosis patients might become uncomfortable about their appearance.
How does scoliosis affect the body?
In several cases, your spine will twist or rotate side to side. This leads muscles or ribs to curve on one side of your body and bulge out to a certain extent than those on the other side.
What to avoid when you have scoliosis?
Below is the list of things you must avoid when you are dealing with scoliosis, but do remember that all cases are different, and you must consult a healthcare professional before involving in any kind of activity.
- Lifting heavy things
- Impact sports/ One-sided
- Looking down at your phone for a longer period
- Flip-flops, high heels, and shoes that don’t offer much support to your back
How is scoliosis treated?
For mild conditions, you might not need scoliosis treatment in Delhi. The doctor may take X-rays occasionally to check whether it’s getting worse.
If a person needs scoliosis treatment in Delhi, your healthcare provider may recommend:
In children who are still growing, having a brace around their ribcage can cease the curve from getting worse. Braces are generally made up of plastic. Many children wear them throughout the day. They are not visible under clothes, and they allow you to carry out your regular activities.
In this scoliosis treatment in Delhi, the doctor places bone pieces or a matching material between your spine bones. They utilize hardware to grip the bones in place until they fuse. This surgery can reduce the curve and also stop it from getting worse.
This is performed to align more critical scoliosis. The doctor will attach a rod to the ribs or spine along with hardware. As the operation progresses, the doctor will adjust the length of the rods.
Dealing with scoliosis can be challenging. If you need scoliosis treatment in Delhi and assistance in managing this condition and searching for effective scoliosis treatment in Delhi, then book your appointment with us. Dr. Amit Chugh comes with a vast experience of 5 years in spine surgery and is known as one of the most promising scoliosis surgeons in Delhi.