Slip Disc Treatment
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A few slip disc don’t lead to any severe symptoms; however, some of them can cause serious back pain. If left untreated, it can permanently damage your nerves. Go through this article to learn about slip discs and one of the best slip disc treatment in Delhi.
What is a slipped disc?
The spinal column consists of vertebrae that are piled up on each other. From top to bottom, the column has 7 bones inside your cervical spine, five in the lumbar spine, and 12 in the thoracic spine, followed by the coccyx and sacrum at the bottom. All these bones are shielded by discs. These discs help bones by absorbing the pressure that is put on them when people do normal things like walk, twist, and lift.
Every disc has two parts: a hard ring on the outside and a soft, gelatinous center. Weakness or injury can cause the disc’s inner portion to bulge out through the disc’s outer ring. This causes discomfort and pain.
If the slipped disc shrinks one of your spinal nerves, you might also experience pain and numbness in the affected nerve. In serious conditions, you might need surgery to repair or remove the slipped disc.
What are the causes of a slipped disc?
A slip disc happens when the outer ring of the disc gets torn or weak, which makes the inner part slip out of place when you lift something heavy or twist. Lifting a very heavy, large object can cause strain on your lower back, leading to a slipped disc. If you have a physically challenging job that requires heavy lifting, you might be at higher risk for slipping discs.
Overweight people are also at high risk for a slipped disc, as their discs support the extra weight. A desk-bound lifestyle and weak muscles might also lead to a slipped disc.
As you age, you are more likely to encounter a slip disc. This is because discs start to lose some of their safe water content. Therefore, they can easily slip out of their actual place.
Note: Slip disc are more common in men than women.
What are the signs and symptoms of a slipped disc?
You can experience slip disc in any area of your spine, from the cervical spine to the lower back. The lower back is known as one of the most common areas for slipped discs. The spinal column is a complex network of blood vessels and nerves. A slipped disc can create more pressure on the muscles and nerves around it.
Some of the signs and symptoms of a slipped disc include:
- Numbness and pain, generally on a single side of the body
- Pain that stretches to your legs and arms
- Pain that increases at night or with a few specific movements
- Pain that worsens after sitting or standing
- Experiencing pain after walking a short distance
- Undefined muscle weakness
- Burning, aching, or tingling sensations in the affected part
The types of pain and discomfort can differ for each person. Talk to Dr. Amit Chugh if your pain makes you feel tingling and numb, which makes it hard for you to control your muscles.
How do doctors diagnose slipped discs?
Initially, the doctor will carry out a physical exam. They will identify the root source of your discomfort and pain. This will include inspecting your muscle strength and nerve function, and if you feel pain when moving. They will even ask you about your medical records and symptoms.
Imaging tests can help doctors get a clear look at your spine, muscles, and bones and check for any damaged parts.
Some of the imaging scans include:
- CT scans
- MRI scans
- X-rays
- Disco-grams
A doctor can combine all this information to check the causes of your discomfort, pain, and weakness.
What are the options for slip disc treatment in Delhi?
Slip disc treatment in Delhi vary from conventional to surgical. The slip disc treatment in Delhi depends on your discomfort level and how far the spinal disc has slipped out.
Most people with slip disc can get rid of their pain by doing exercises that strengthen and stretch their back and the muscles around it. A physical therapist might tell you to do exercises that will strengthen your back and make you feel better.
Taking OTC pain relievers and avoiding lifting heavy objects or painful positions might also help.
Avoiding all physical activities can cause joint stiffness and muscle weakness. Instead, try to stay active with the help of low-impact exercise and stretches.
If over-the-counter medicines don’t help relieve your symptoms, your doctor may suggest stronger medications, such as:
- Muscle relaxers to ease up muscle spasms
- Narcotics to ease pain
- Nerve pain medications such as duloxetine and gabapentin
If the pain doesn’t go away in six weeks or if a slipped disc is making it hard for your muscles to work, the doctor might suggest surgery.
A surgeon might just take out the damaged or protruding part of the disc instead of taking out the entire disc. This is known as a microdiscectomy.
In more serious cases, a doctor might replace the disc with the help of an artificial disc or remove the slipped disc and fuse your spinal bones. The process, along with a spinal fusion and laminectomy, can add steadiness to your spinal column.
How do you prevent a slipped disc?
Even though it might not be possible to prevent slip, there are steps you can take to reduce your chance of getting slipped discs. Steps include:
- Use cautious lifting techniques: lift and bend from your knees rather than your waist.
- Maintain a proper diet.
- Avoid sitting for long periods; instead get up and try stretching periodically.
- Do workouts to brace the muscles in your abdomen, legs, and back.
Slip disc can lead to severe pain if neglected. Dr. Amit Chugh offers quality assistance to all of his patients. He provides one of the best slip disc treatment in Delhi. He is one of the best doctor for slip disc in Delhi and has more than 5 years of experience.