Spinal Fractures
Treatment in Delhi
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A spinal fracture is a vertebral compression fracture in the backbone (spine) region. Usually, this causes discomfort in the back with height loss issues. So let’s get into the article to learn more about spinal fracture treatment in Delhi.
What is a spinal fracture?
A spinal fracture is considered serious orthopedic damage to the spine that is caused by osteoporosis, accidents, or sports injuries.
A spinal fracture refers to a fracture in the vertebrae and causes terrible discomfort in your back.
In most cases, the spinal fracture doesn’t require surgery and can be treated by non-surgical methods such as wearing a brace for some months until it’s fully recovered.
Therefore, if it’s a deep spinal fracture, surgery can be the only alternative for a spine fracture repair.
What causes spinal fractures?
A spinal fracture is caused by the following conditions:
In osteoporosis, your bones get weakened and lose their strength simultaneously.
Due to the weakening of bones, their fragility increases, which leads to a high risk of spine fractures.
Most back fractures are caused by injuries that put a lot of stress on the backbone.
As we know, our spines are delicate and have the flexibility to do activities, but sudden injuries like car accidents or any kind of trauma can give rise to a spinal rupture.
Spinal tumors are caused by cancer metastasis, and they usually spread from another part of the body to your spine.
A spinal tumor is one of the dangerous diseases that can result in certain disabilities in your body.
What are the symptoms of a spine fracture?
Sometimes, symptoms may occur even if there are no vertebral fractures or pain.
Below are signs that can be experienced, and they include:
Severe back pain while walking or doing any sort of work. The pain may get worse with increasing time.
Numbness and tingling are common in spinal fracture conditions, but this can also go over other body parts such as the arms and legs.
The affected region of the spine will be swollen and can be painful while being touched.
(You may also confront height loss problems during this condition)
How do doctors diagnose spinal fractures?
With the help of imaging tests and a physical exam, your doctor will be able to figure out what’s wrong. They will check your back, feel for areas that are painful or tender, and determine any changes to your spine and posture. Make sure to tell them the exact area where it is hurting and if you notice any new discomfort or pain.
If you encounter trauma, the spinal fracture may be diagnosed by doctors inside the emergency room. They will diagnose your injuries and fractures once you are stabilized.
What are the options for spinal fracture treatment in Delhi?
Spinal fracture treatment in Delhi relies on a few aspects, such as:
- The main cause of the fracture
- Type of the fracture
- The position of the broken vertebrae
Most spinal fractures don’t need surgery. The most general spinal fracture treatment in Delhi includes:
You may need to wear a brace on your back to hold or align your spine and promote the healing of your broken vertebrae. Most patients need to wear it for a few months. Your doctor will discuss with you what kind of brace you will require and how long you will need it.
Strengthening your back muscles can enhance your overall strength, reduce the chances of later spinal fractures, and also reduce bone loss. You may need to work with a physical therapist and follow the exercise program.
If your spinal fracture is in danger of harming the spinal cord or if the pain and discomfort don’t go away after non-surgical treatments, you may need surgery. The most common surgeries for spinal fractures are kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty.
To strengthen your fractured vertebrae, the surgeon injects liquid cement into them.
This is the same as vertebroplasty, but before the surgeon administers the liquid cement inside your vertebrae, they place a small balloon, which pushes the bones back to their actual place and provides the space that was before the spinal fracture.
Both of these surgeries are outpatient processes, so you will be able to return home on the same day. You must rest for around a complete day before resuming your daily routine. Try to avoid intense exercises and heavy lifting for around one to two months after the surgery.
Your surgeon will explain to you which surgery you might need and also the reason behind it. If a spinal fracture is caused by a tumor, either benign or cancerous, you may need additional or different treatments for mass removal before the surgery is performed.
What are the Complications after a spinal fracture surgery?
Spinal fracture surgery can induce many complications, such as:
- Bleeding problems
- Spinal cord destruction
- Unsuccessful fracture recovery
- Infections
- High pressure on vertebrae over the treated part
- Kyphosis (Humpback)
Dealing with spinal fractures, which are caused by sudden trauma or injury, can be challenging. The most important thing you can do right away to avoid long-term problems after a spinal fracture is to consult a best doctor spinal fracture treatment in Delhi.
Dr. Amit Chugh can help you get completely healed from a broken back. He offers one of the most precise spinal fracture treatment in Delhi and has more than 5 years of experience.