Laminectomy Surgery
in Delhi
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Laminectomy surgery in Delhi is a typical surgical procedure for relieving pressure from the nerves by removing one or more vertebrae called lamina to create access to the spinal cord.
So let’s get into the article to learn more about l
Laminectomy surgery in Delhi.
What is Laminectomy?
- Laminectomy surgery is a minimally invasive treatment for neck or spinal issues, and the most common method of decompressing the spinal canal.
- In this surgery , a space is created by removing bone spurs and tissues connected to spine arthritis.
- This involves the removal of a small piece of the backbone (known as the lamina) of the spine.
- It helps by enlarging the spinal canal for pressure relief on the spinal cord and its nerves.
- It is carried out as part of decompression surgery.
Why is Laminectomy surgery in Delhi done?
The spine’s bone joints overgrow, creating extra space within the spinal canal, which narrows the spinal cord and nerve area.
This leads to pain and pressure in the spine region and also affects the arms and legs by causing numbness and weakness.
Laminectomy surgery in Delhi helps in reviving your spinal canal area and comforting back pain. The surgery doesn’t fix arthritis issues like narrowing, but it supports you in providing back comfort.
Laminectomy can be suggested if the following conditions fail:
- Physical treatment or medications may not work if the situation gets worse.
- If numbness or weakness is the biggest obstacle while performing any activity.
- Problems in loss of bowel or bladder control.
How do I prepare for l Laminectomy surgery in Delhi?
Your doctor will recommend that you avoid eating and drinking, and also do not take any kind of pill or medicine right before the surgery.
How is Laminectomy surgery in Delhi performed?
- While starting the procedure, you will be given normal anesthesia to make you unconscious throughout the surgery.
- The healthcare team will examine your heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen level during the process.
- After this an incision is done at the back part of the affected vertebrae.
- Once the incision is done, the surgeon starts the procedure by removing the bone spurs and lamina with the help of a surgical instrument.
- Size of the incision depends on the body size, but in a surgical procedure, small incisions are used to complete open surgeries.
- As laminectomy is part of the decompression treatment for herniated disks and some amount of broken or weak herniated disks is also removed( the term is known as discectomy).
- If any of the vertebrae slipped from their place, then the spinal fusion is done to fix it.
- In spinal fusion, the surgeon permanently joints two or more vertebrae in the spine by extracting arthritic joints. ( In this process it involves the usage of bone grafts, metal rods, and screws).
- The surgeon will observe your condition and based on that they will vary the treatment, you will be provided with a minimally invasive incision or with a surgical microscope to execute the procedure.
Recovery can be expected in 4 to 6 weeks after the surgery (depending on your age and health condition, the time may fluctuate for a complete recovery).
What are the results after the Laminectomy surgery?
Laminectomy is effective for back pain that radiates down the legs or arms. But the surgery is less likely to be long-lasting, and problems can come back with some forms of arthritis.
What are the complications after the laminectomy surgery?
Oftentimes, surgical procedures come with some or many sorts of drawbacks, so here are some listed below:
- Infections due to anesthesia
- Bleedings
- Blood clots in the some parts of legs and lungs
- Spinal cord and nerve root damage
- Spinal fluid leakage
After surgery, the nerve or blood vessel in that region can be injured, which results in numbness and weakness. In a few rare cases, the pain remains constant or even gets worse after the surgery.
Although there are many other risk factors and complications depending on your body condition, it’s better to consult your doctor for further issues.
A compressed nerve in your spine is a general issue as people age. Usually, physical therapy and medications can ease minor symptoms. When these things don’t help, surgery might be the only option.
But make sure you consult a professional spine surgeon. Dr. Amit Chugh has a powerful presence in every treatment for spinal issues. He offers one of the best laminectomy surgery in Delhi and recommends the ideal treatment option based on your symptoms.