Spinal Fusion Surgery
in Delhi
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Spinal fusion surgery is a neurological and orthopedic surgical method for joining two separate vertebrae in the spine. It is a process in which a broken bone is fixed and which also improves the resilience of bones. For more information, please check out the spinal fusion surgery in Delhi.
What is spinal fusion surgery?
- Spinal fusion surgery is an invasive procedure that spine surgeons use to permanently connect two or more vertebrae into one strong bone with no space between them.
- In spinal fusion surgery, extra bones fill the space between two different vertebrae.
- The surgery helps you enhance your bone stability, reduce back pain, and treat malformations of the spine.
- Spinal fusion surgery is also called arthrodesis, anterior spinal fusion, vertebral interbody fusion, and posterior interbody fusion.
Why do you need this spinal fusion surgery?
Spinal fusion surgery is necessary if medicine and physical treatment aren’t helping you with back pain, although your doctor will recommend the best alternative for treating it.
Spinal fusion surgery in Delhi can be beneficial for the following conditions:
- Fracture in the spine (broken spinal bone)
- Infections or tumors in the spine
- Spinal stenosis ( thin spinal canal)
- Degenerative disk disorder (Narrow spaces between disks)
- Spondylolisthesis( displacing of the spinal disks)
- Kyphosis ( abnormality in rounding upper spine)
How to prepare for spinal fusion surgery in Delhi?
A week before spinal fusion surgery, you might have a few x-rays and blood tests. Our healthcare team will go over the details of your process. Feel free to clear all your doubts.
Below are a few things to consider before some days of your spinal fusion surgery:
- Reach a few minutes before the scheduled time. Take someone along with you.
- Take note of medications prescribed by your doctor. Always make sure to consult with your surgeon before taking any medications on your own.
- Ask your doctor if you can drink or eat before the treatment.
- Make your home ready. You may need shower chairs, reachers, slip-on shoes, toilet seats, etc.
How is spinal fusion surgery in Delhi performed?
Spinal fusion surgery in Delhi can be carried out in the following ways:
- Anterior lumbar interbody fusion: Your surgeon goes in via your belly.
- Posterior fusion: Your surgeon goes in through the back.
Once they make the incision, they set aside structures and muscles to see your spine. The joints in the middle of painful or damaged discs are separated.
They may use a graft, rods, and screws from other body parts to attach the discs and restrict them from moving. A graft is generally taken from your pelvis or hip. A few doctors place a bone morphogenetic protein in your spine. It helps to vitalize bone growth.
What are the risk factors after spinal fusion surgery?
Here are some risk factors associated with spinal fusion surgery:
- Bleedings
- Blood clots
- Discomfort
- Infection
- Side effects of anesthesia
- Numbness and tingling in legs ( usually caused due to injury in the nerves)
- Pseudoarthrosis (no positive effect after surgery)
- Tissue contradiction or infections problems
- Swelling and redness
- High back pain
- Shivering
- More than 100°c the fever can occur
How to recover after spinal fusion surgery in Delhi?
You may need to stay in the hospital for several days after your spinal fusion surgery in Delhi. Exactly how many days it takes depends on several things, such as whether you have any other medical conditions and your fitness level. Usually, patients stay for around four days.
During this time, you will be attached to a machine that keeps track of your heart to ensure that your body is responding well. You might also have plenty of tubes connected to you.
- One known as an IV is inserted in your arm to provide you with pain medications, antibiotics, and fluids.
- A few people receive pain medications with the help of a tube in the back. This is known as an epidural catheter.
- One more tube also known as a catheter is attached to the part where urine usually leaves your body. You will have this tube so that you won’t need to get up to go to the bathroom. You might feel it a bit awkward, or you may feel unpleasant. But you must stay still and recover as soon as possible.
During your stay in the hospital, you will meet occupational and physical therapists who will help you get out of bed and also help you walk again. You will also have spinal X-rays to check if the fusion is working perfectly or not. You will need to return to the hospital for stitch removal after 10 days. After that, you only have a few appointments, generally in about 5 to 6 weeks, 5 to 6 months, and after one or two years.
Recovering from a spinal fusion surgery requires work and commitment. It can take up to six months—almost a year—to recover completely. Make sure to stick with physiotherapy after coming back to your home. To secure your back as you heal, below are some tips you can follow for the first six months:
- Avoid heavy lifting, bending, or twisting.
- Not more than a cup of milk.
- Leave the laundry and dishes to your kids or partner.
Dr. Amit Chugh is one of the best spine surgeon in Delhi. He is dedicated to offering top-quality spinal fusion surgery in Delhi with a quicker recovery to help his patients regain productive and useful lives. He has been taking care of spine patients for over 5 years. With his years of knowledge and experience in spine health, he can treat your back pain and neck pain in a cost-effective way.